June 27th, 1890 - Portree Stadium
"Hekekia recovers the quaffle and takes aim again, but Zavala is an impenetrable wall, he blocks this shot too!
Pettigrew is in the Hawaiian beater's zone now, but the bludger narrowly misses I'm sure Pettigrew didn't think he was going to get that lucky even with Kirke's attempted intervention.
Pettigrew is in the Hawaiian beater's zone now, but the bludger narrowly misses I'm sure Pettigrew didn't think he was going to get that lucky even with Kirke's attempted intervention.
0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
A | * | ||||
B | N | ||||
C | O--- TK BL | KC | KB | KH ---O | |
D | RB | AP* | |||
E |
<-- LEFT | RIGHT --> | |||
Hawaiian Score Zone | British Score Zone |
Includes Daily NPC Rolls!
050 Hawaii || Britain 040
* = Bludger Positions
Game Play Directions
**Please Tag @"Elsie Beauregard" with your moderation needs**