June 27th, 1890 - Portree Stadium
"This time Zavala grabs the rebound, but a bludger is sent his way but he successfull ducks and makes a clean pass to Bixby in the process! Pettigrew and Bixby take off down the pitch toward the Hawaiian hoops!
Longbottom is too busy playing hero for Robins to play the game, take note ladies, he could be your knight in shining armor, probably a better at that than playing quidditch honestly. Get in the game man.
Longbottom is too busy playing hero for Robins to play the game, take note ladies, he could be your knight in shining armor, probably a better at that than playing quidditch honestly. Get in the game man.
0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
A | * | ||||
B | N BL | TK KB | |||
C | O--- | RB | KH *---O | ||
D | AP | KC | |||
E |
<-- LEFT | RIGHT --> | |||
Hawaiian Score Zone | British Score Zone |
Includes Daily NPC Rolls!
010 Hawaii || Britain 020
* = Bludger Positions
Game Play Directions
**Please Tag @"Elsie Beauregard" with your moderation needs**