"Thank you," August said. He signed the papers himself, above the line with his name printed on it. They were generous terms, although he did not doubt that they would chafe on the vampire's freedoms. He did what he could.
"You are expected to use the Ministry's blood banks," August said, "You are now registered with them as a vampire, as you know. It is likely that they may want to speak to you if something happens around the Forbidden Forest. I do not recommend leaving the country if you plan on returning soon; I also advise that you avoid muggle areas as much as possible."
He paused, glanced up at her. "Does this all make sense so far?" he asked. Despite all his time invested here, he was no better at reading Galina than he had been when they started; too much of August's involvement in this was bound up in his feelings for Lyra.
"You are expected to use the Ministry's blood banks," August said, "You are now registered with them as a vampire, as you know. It is likely that they may want to speak to you if something happens around the Forbidden Forest. I do not recommend leaving the country if you plan on returning soon; I also advise that you avoid muggle areas as much as possible."
He paused, glanced up at her. "Does this all make sense so far?" he asked. Despite all his time invested here, he was no better at reading Galina than he had been when they started; too much of August's involvement in this was bound up in his feelings for Lyra.