Och, said fools weren't his friends — though Shrike got the impression the young madam knew that well enough. He looked no more suited to those fancy gentlemen than she did to selling her body. But he had enough in common with them to have joined them for a bit of high-risk disobedience.
Only to have found a far more interesting recreation.
"I couldnae possibly blemish yer sweet mind with whit I want", he purred, hand gliding subtly over a few inches of her scarlet-clad leg. Of course Shrike knew she was far from innocent, but... t'was a game they were playing.
"Though yer quaistion makes me curious — whit's the wildest dream ye'v ever made come true?"
Only to have found a far more interesting recreation.
"I couldnae possibly blemish yer sweet mind with whit I want", he purred, hand gliding subtly over a few inches of her scarlet-clad leg. Of course Shrike knew she was far from innocent, but... t'was a game they were playing.
"Though yer quaistion makes me curious — whit's the wildest dream ye'v ever made come true?"