The hug perhaps lasted a second or two longer than was traditionally considered appropriate, but it felt like just the right amount of time to Harper. And for some reason he could feel his heart beating a little faster. Then as they pulled apart he could swear that Philip looked a little flushed. It was a little warm in there, and they had just had some fire whiskey so it was probably nothing.
”Just try and keep me away! Of course I will need to keep eating while I learn how to prepare a meal for you, so if you will have me back before that time.” And with that, his heart racing, he stepped away from Philip, shone him a brilliant and genuine smile, and apparated home.
”Just try and keep me away! Of course I will need to keep eating while I learn how to prepare a meal for you, so if you will have me back before that time.” And with that, his heart racing, he stepped away from Philip, shone him a brilliant and genuine smile, and apparated home.