How charmingly he had interacted with that waiter! Cee liked men who were polite to the staff and didn't treat them as though they were decorative slaves. She believed that a lot could be said about a man's character depending on how they treated servants. Oh, Beckett Longbottom was so chivalrous!
She gladly took the second glass of champagne because she had finished her first and still she didn't feel as tipsy as she would have wanted to. Or maybe it was the giddiness that Beckett Longbottom caused her that she couldn't understand that the champagne had kicked in too!
"Well, the Morrocans have good chasers," she repeated. "They play in a very French way, but the accusations of them being cheaters aside, they have so much style!" Oh, it was good to talk about Quidditch with someone who got it and who wouldn't dismiss her for being a girl! "And then, I have a lot of respect for the Japanese. They are always so disciplined, they make such good teams."
She gladly took the second glass of champagne because she had finished her first and still she didn't feel as tipsy as she would have wanted to. Or maybe it was the giddiness that Beckett Longbottom caused her that she couldn't understand that the champagne had kicked in too!
"Well, the Morrocans have good chasers," she repeated. "They play in a very French way, but the accusations of them being cheaters aside, they have so much style!" Oh, it was good to talk about Quidditch with someone who got it and who wouldn't dismiss her for being a girl! "And then, I have a lot of respect for the Japanese. They are always so disciplined, they make such good teams."