Loq could feel Shaw resisting a gasp at this revelation; but she rather liked that "quality" in her chaperone. Lent a bit of drama to any occasion. Eloquence even deigned to shoot her a smile at this point.
"I must profess, I've never truly understood the pureblood fussiness. One just takes it for granted, I suppose. I've yet to find any evidence that having purely wizarding blood contributes in any way to a person's quality." (Sometimes the opposite was true, in fact; but Eloquence wouldn't confide that suspicion in a gentleman she barely knew.) "It's something of a shame... for surely they will eventually run out of fellow purebloods to marry!"
![[Image: loq-sig.jpg]](https://i.ibb.co/zFmFgxw/loq-sig.jpg)
"I must profess, I've never truly understood the pureblood fussiness. One just takes it for granted, I suppose. I've yet to find any evidence that having purely wizarding blood contributes in any way to a person's quality." (Sometimes the opposite was true, in fact; but Eloquence wouldn't confide that suspicion in a gentleman she barely knew.) "It's something of a shame... for surely they will eventually run out of fellow purebloods to marry!"
![[Image: loq-sig.jpg]](https://i.ibb.co/zFmFgxw/loq-sig.jpg)