Clue let his grey eyes linger on the other for a few seconds longer than he might normally, musing on the multiple things it seemed they had in common. One thing was very complex, along the lines of being lost and unwanted. But the other thing was far more tangible — they were artists, both. "Same", he finally replied; though he didn't show his sketches to just anyone.
"I'd better go and pack", he said with a sigh. It being the last day before the Summer holidays, he'd been putting it off; but this strange conversation with Aleksei Nichols had reminded him that time must move forward, no matter how much they desired to change the way things were.
"Maybe see you on the train tomorrow...?" he asked softly as he got to his feet.
![[Image: clue-sig.jpg]](
"I'd better go and pack", he said with a sigh. It being the last day before the Summer holidays, he'd been putting it off; but this strange conversation with Aleksei Nichols had reminded him that time must move forward, no matter how much they desired to change the way things were.
"Maybe see you on the train tomorrow...?" he asked softly as he got to his feet.
![[Image: clue-sig.jpg]](