The language barrier was one of the most difficult parts of her job, and she had magic to assist her. Jo couldn't begin to fathom the frustrations not being able to properly communicate would bring. "What language did they speak, do you know?" Studying languages was a hobby of hers, and a skill she was surprisingly adept at. Greek had taken less time than she anticipated learning initially. Though, Portugese maintained its position as her favorite.
"It's a beautiful idea." She said earnestly about the spirtual beliefs of the tribe. Far more beautiful than what Christianity would preach anyway. The more Jo saw of the world the less she believed in her sister's religion. There were far too many unanswered questions and contradicting beliefs. "Would you want to go back to visit the tribe ever?"
Navigation knowledge wasn't common in that part of the world. Most tribes she came into contact with had small boats to take out and capture fish, but nothing like the English Navy. "They must miss you and your teachings, however simple you believe them to be."
"It's a beautiful idea." She said earnestly about the spirtual beliefs of the tribe. Far more beautiful than what Christianity would preach anyway. The more Jo saw of the world the less she believed in her sister's religion. There were far too many unanswered questions and contradicting beliefs. "Would you want to go back to visit the tribe ever?"
Navigation knowledge wasn't common in that part of the world. Most tribes she came into contact with had small boats to take out and capture fish, but nothing like the English Navy. "They must miss you and your teachings, however simple you believe them to be."