Jupiter, had she said, or was it Juniper? Both were rather nontraditional as far as names went, but Alfred wasn't the sort to be too terribly hung up on that, given all of the places he'd been and all of the people he'd met. Either way, it was a nice enough name, he supposed, with a smooth, pleasant sound. He could imagine that most people would be confused by it, though, so he couldn't blame her for using a nickname instead. Not that it was likely to matter much to him, at least at the moment.
"Well, I imagine some people must call you Miss Smith," he joked lightly. "Or — is Miss the right title? I don't know much about archaeology, as a field," he admitted. They could all be called Doctors, in the same way that Muggles sometimes were when they were scholars even if they knew nothing of medicine, or some other title he knew nothing about. He couldn't recall if the scientific ward on the Sycorax had used titles like that — but to be fair, he hadn't interacted with them much until after the shipwreck, and once they were wandering in the wilderness it was hardly the time to stand on protocol.
"I'm Captain Alfred Darrow," he added. "Though I think you knew that already."

MJ made the most Alfredy of sets and then two years later she made it EVEN BETTER
"Well, I imagine some people must call you Miss Smith," he joked lightly. "Or — is Miss the right title? I don't know much about archaeology, as a field," he admitted. They could all be called Doctors, in the same way that Muggles sometimes were when they were scholars even if they knew nothing of medicine, or some other title he knew nothing about. He couldn't recall if the scientific ward on the Sycorax had used titles like that — but to be fair, he hadn't interacted with them much until after the shipwreck, and once they were wandering in the wilderness it was hardly the time to stand on protocol.
"I'm Captain Alfred Darrow," he added. "Though I think you knew that already."

MJ made the most Alfredy of sets and then two years later she made it EVEN BETTER