"Perhaps so." She replied casually. It was her belief that nothing good was meant to last, for a single flame couldn't burn eternally. One had to constantly seek out the good to even have a taste of it. "Doesn't mean we shouldn't enjoy the good while we have it, though." Some might say she overindulged in her search for happiness, but those were typically the sort caught up in the waves of propriety.
She looked down the dock towards the shimmering sea. Today was too beautiful a day to waste wallowing in the evilness of society. "Once we've tracked the Serena down would you like to grab a drink with me? I'd like to hear more of your travels instead of blabbering on about myself."
She looked down the dock towards the shimmering sea. Today was too beautiful a day to waste wallowing in the evilness of society. "Once we've tracked the Serena down would you like to grab a drink with me? I'd like to hear more of your travels instead of blabbering on about myself."