That was where she knew this man from! Saturn had become infatuated with the idea of being shipwrecked for months after reading Mr. Darrow's book. "I believe I read something about that." She answered with a laugh. Saturn was going to grow green with envy when she later bragged about meeting Mr. Darrow. Jo couldn't wait.
"We've recovered several cursed artifacts, likely buried with the tribe's leaders to thwart grave robbers." Such was the operating belief, anyway. Jo wasn't always entirely convinced, but she was still not able to lead any work on her own. "There's also some enchantments carved into the furniture and walls."
"We've recovered several cursed artifacts, likely buried with the tribe's leaders to thwart grave robbers." Such was the operating belief, anyway. Jo wasn't always entirely convinced, but she was still not able to lead any work on her own. "There's also some enchantments carved into the furniture and walls."