Lyre was typically a level-headed man, but he found himself growing more and more impatient with the man's priorities. Surely he wouldn't want to sail aboard a cursed ship? Or did he, simply to prevent the Ministry from taking a look? Either way, Lyre was not about to let the man continue to whine.
"I understand your frustration, Mr. Darrow," he said, letting out a sigh, "but I imagine you'd be happier to see your ship docked for another month than sunk at sea. Curses are not to be taken lightly, especially on this scale. I implore you to grant the Ministry permission to take a look."
"I understand your frustration, Mr. Darrow," he said, letting out a sigh, "but I imagine you'd be happier to see your ship docked for another month than sunk at sea. Curses are not to be taken lightly, especially on this scale. I implore you to grant the Ministry permission to take a look."