January 15th, 1890
Dear Nimmie,
Oh, my! Congratulations! Such wonderful news indeed. Was it a lavish ceremony? How do Americans celebrate weddings? Are you touring the states as a honeymoon? Your news has brightened my day considerably. I wish you both all the best.
I wish I could return your letter with happy news of my own. Unfortunately, I cannot. Edmund passed away on December 19th. There was some kerfuffle at the Ministry and he didn't return home. There's much secrecy surrounding what happened. Not even the papers are permitted to report about it.
Oliver is furious that his father is gone. I'm quite at a loss with how to soothe him. He has outright refused to speak with me this week. It's a horrible mess. Thankfully, Tori has come to stay with us indefinitely. Her presence has been calming for the younger two. It's been such a relief.
Please, do not allow my news to taint your happiness. You are well aware of the struggles Edmund and I faced. Despite what the children feel, I don't miss him. We will be quite alright once the shock wears off. I simply did not wish for you to find out from anyone but myself.
Yours Truly,