Too clever, that seemed to him the most likely. Not that she had been flagrantly and offensively intelligent yet but he wasn't catching a vibe of desperation yet either. Now here was the issue, an empty-headed and obedient woman was ideal but he couldn't stomach the idea of wooing such a woman which meant such a match would have to be arranged. That would be a royal pain to organize plus he ran the risk of a second Noelle if he didn't vet her properly which inevitably meant spending time with her. Thus finding a woman through social interaction ought to be preferable, however, that left him enjoying the company of the more astute lady but they were also less likely to be good little wives. Either way he couldn't really win and no one could be surprised that he wasn't having any luck finding a second wife.
He wasn't sure he appreciated what he was taking as a jibe from her but perhaps she hadn't meant it that way. He decided to try and give her the benefit of the doubt for now. If she was in possession of an ugly personality and it was already showing then it was hardly going to become less apparent the more time he spent in her company.
"What would you discuss if not the weather?" The weather was a particularly dry conversation topic (even when the weather itself wasn't) but he was curious to hear what she deemed a suitable alternative. That would be telling.
He wasn't sure he appreciated what he was taking as a jibe from her but perhaps she hadn't meant it that way. He decided to try and give her the benefit of the doubt for now. If she was in possession of an ugly personality and it was already showing then it was hardly going to become less apparent the more time he spent in her company.
"What would you discuss if not the weather?" The weather was a particularly dry conversation topic (even when the weather itself wasn't) but he was curious to hear what she deemed a suitable alternative. That would be telling.