1st December, 1889
Miss Evans,
I do hope you won't find me too forward in writing to you out of the blue however I was handed a pamphlet on my way into work yesterday morning that I think may be of interest to you. (I realise you may have seen it already, living in Irvingly as you do and therefore being more part of the action, so to speak, but I wanted to make sure as I would hate for you to miss out.) The Irvingly Market will be having a "small dog show" (verbatim from the pamphlet - I assume the size refers to the event itself rather than the size of the dogs in question!) and I would be honoured if you would agree to meet me there, with Penny of course. Shall we say one o'clock?
Yours Sincerely,
Konstantin Fisk (+ Brian)
Konstantin Fisk (+ Brian)