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Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

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Olivier Mulciber
Full Name: Olivier Mason Mulciber
Nicknames: -
Birthdate: March 08 1856
Current Age: 33
Occupation: Head of Magical Law Enforcement (as of 1887)
Reputation: 9
Olivier's reputation has been mildly tarnished by rumors of him killing his wife. However, since rumors go by so quickly, and nothing near proof has ever been offered to society, it died just as fast.
Residence: London, England
Hogwarts House: Slytherin
Wand: 12'', Black Walnut, Phoenix Feather
Blood Status: Pureblood
Social Class: Upper
Family: - Eve is sick, forgive her
Olivier Mulciber is the split image of his grandfather, which is to say he could be described as walking elegance - something unusual to achieve as a 6'0 man. Never one to leave the house without making sure his appearance fits every standard, he has learned how to be a sight for sore eyes, and how helpful it can be to draw respect through his posture. Though he doesn't particularly care for fine clothes, he's careful to wear them in public, and has a surprisingly large number of ties. Furthemore, he's ambidextrous, with a slight preference to his left hand.
| 1856 | Olivier Mulciber is born the third child to Frederick and Violette Mulciber. There's a big difference between his age and his sisters', who are both at Hogwarts by the time he's born.

| 1857 | Mother thinks there might be something wrong with him, since he's surprisingly quiet for a child. She forgets all about it when he says his first word at the beginning of January, and takes for walking the following month.

| 1860 | Olivier learns to read earlier than most kids from their society, under orders of his parents. At first it gives him headache, but he's determined to do as they want him to and it pleases his family when he first reads a small story. Books make for a quiet hobby that seems to deliver information, which he's intrigued by, but doesn't make much of as a small child.

| 1861 | Speaking of small child, Evalina, his older sister, gives birth to Griselda, which he's old enough to understand. A year before she had given birth to a boy, but only then does it weight on him he's an uncle - the word sounds odd, more so considering he's young.

| 1862 | His first act of magic goes against his nanny's rules, who told him he couldn't put his hand on food before his father arrived home. Olivier was so hungry he somehow made it float on his direction, eating the first portion of a delicious pie without the need of hands. He was quick to explain he broke no rules, and though it warranted him a bad look, the boy was pleased with himself. 

| 1866 | For the first time, Olivier holds a wand that belongs only to himself. He had played with sticks before, intrigued by the theory behind spells, and studied some on his own after requesting books from his tutors. It's not surprising he had books from Hogwarts without knowing they were part of the list. He's protective of his wand and gives attention to it as much as he gives to his books.


| 1867 | Olivier travels to Hogwarts almost on his own, given father couldn't have taken time for work to leave him at the station. It does not matter, since he's enchanted by most of what the school has to offer, and quickly forget of the life he's put behind - after all, Hogwarts is new, and fantastic, and he's got far too much to learn. He can't wait to be the best in class and prove himself as the most capable, therefore it is no surprise when he's sorted into Slytherin. He has fun corresponding with his sister, but nothing beats studying or the friends he's made - they all understand him, and they seem to like him a lot. Perhaps it's the surname, but he doesn't care much for their reasons.

| 1868 | Second year is no more alarming than the first, with Olivier getting some of the best grades in his year, which is far from enough. He works harder by the second semester to be the very best, while learning how to divide his time between studying and the people he has met at Slytherin. Olivier doesn't make many friends outside of his house, which is no matter since most others seem to speak far too loud, or show rather odd personalities. He's even more frustrated when a muggle-born beats him in a duel, which he blames his right hand for - saying it was tired after an entire night trying to produce a few spells from the year above.

| 1869 | Third year is the beginning of OWL's, even though a lot of his friends are considering dividing attention with quidditch instead. He speaks down on them, not understanding why they would want to lose time with such things, but comes around by the end of the year because he would rather have those friends than remain lonely; it's no true desire for friendship - or so he says -, but more that life is boring without it. At last he's got people who understand him still and challenge him in matters of education. He also learns how best to please his professors, and when are the best moments to speak and remain silent in classes.

| 1870 | Come December of fourth year, it marks the day he's first interested by law, while knowing of what it means. He had picked his first book regarding this subject during summer, but it's not until an accident happens at Hogwarts that he is truly interested by it. A Ravenclaw student is blamed for trying to set a trophy on fire, however he'd overheard a Slytherin student, not much older than him, say the student was threatened to do so. It leaves Olivier wondering whether the law should point at the Ravenclaw for blame or the one who behold the threatening, and despite him not saying anything about it to others, he knows it's something he could work with in the future. It certainly sounded prestigious.

| 1871 | By fifth year, Olivier is made prefect of Slytherin, which leaves him with a taste of power he never had before. Although he doesn't go about abusing his powers, it leaves him feeling great when he uses his privileges fairly, and most importantly knowing he's holding so much influence. He doesn't lose sight of what truly matters - studying -, but something odd happens when he mistakenly befriends a half-blood, whom he'd previously thought to be a pureblood. He doesn't know whether his beliefs hold truth, though he's not willing to let go of them yet, much less say out loud he's having doubts.

| 1872 |  Once again Olivier is made prefect, and once more he's dedicated to his classes, which are fewer and better. He knows then he wants to join the Ministry, most importantly the Law Enforcement Department. If anything, he wants to head it when he's old enough to have his own sphere of influence inside the Ministry. His talent for law, however, shows itself with how he's constantly asked to interfere in matters of disagreement between classmates and friends, and he uses it to test his knowledge - in his mind, it would make no sense to have a position of power later in the department if he didn't know the basics, so he focus on it as much as he can.

| 1873 | It comes with almost no surprise when Olivier is made Head-Boy, though it pleases his family to no end. He still corresponds with his sister, Evalina, regularly, though older now, and not as naive as he'd once been - it's the year he confides to hear what he wants to do once out of Hogwarts, and also the year he knows he has a good chance of having his long-term plan work. By this time, Olivier has fewer friends, but those he calls brothers of arms, or wands, and he's learned what it means to make himself important among other purebloods. Nonetheless, he still has doubts regarding this matter.

Beyond Hogwarts

| 1874| Not only does Olivier joins the Excalibur's once he's out of school, but he is also admitted to the Ministry, taking the role of an intern. It's nothing fancy, but he works just as hard to be the best of his 'class', while enjoying some of the finest things life has to offer among his friends at the club. They are, after all, a group of fine gentlemen, and Olivier is nothing if not a man of great reputation.

| 1875| He's soon made a clerk, which is a job of no fame, but he's still working on his studies, regarding anything that has to do with lawyering. It holds a special place to his heart by then, and though he is firm on his side of justice, it is justice nonetheless. Olivier is less of a black of white man than most people on his department, though he knows better than to act by the good of his heart; picking well his battles is more important than playing them right.

| 1876| As a junior lawyer, Olivier is finally put to the test, and succeeds greatly. It is also around the time he begins considering taking a wife, as he's not getting any younger, but his reputation instead remains intact, if not rising. He decides to hold it until he's made a true lawyer, which takes two more years - under his request, given he wants to see a plethora of different cases and how it is handled by the older gentlemen before taking cases of his own.

| 1879| Olivier is made lawyer, something he had seen coming for years, and it is proud of himself from waiting some time since it gives him enough knowledge and secure experience to quickly rise among the other lawyers. He has learned how to put his smarts to work and what not to do on his field, as well as which cases are worth taking and which one should be left alone - though he allows himself for a few that brings no fame, with an excuse that is a way to have moderate fun, since some of those cases are looked down by others, and therefore dismissed as easier to handle. He disagrees, but doesn't voice his opinions on it either.

| 1880| A particularly difficult case regarding a family's murder leaves him thinking more and more about his own family, including his sister who died back at 1859 - he hadn't thought much of it then, due to his much younger age. It is the same year he meets Isadora Alonzo, a woman from an established, important family of Spain, whose blood purity and beauty both interest the young Mulciber. Her family is just as interested in his, and they meet each other for the first time closest to Christmas ball. He finds out Isadora too has lost a younger sister, and they form a friendship; his heart, however, doesn't beat for her the same way he had read on books as a young man, but he puts these thoughts aside because they shouldn't matter.

| 1881| March announces the marriage of Olivier Mulciber and Izadora Alonzo, now carrying his very surname, and despite the young couple's differences, they are friends who find it easy to stand by each other. He takes care of her needs the best she can, but it is not too long before they find out she seems unable to carry child of her own. Their attempts are proven futile, and though society begins to turn an odd eye at them, he's well aware of his compromise, which he would not break. He's a man of honor, after all, and things are going well at the Ministry nonetheless.

| 1882 - 1885| There're a number of years in his life in which nothing remarkable happens, instead with it seeing him gaining a better fame due to his work with the Ministry, which substantially declines looks from society due to his relationship with Isadora. They would have thought he would find a way to make her carry a child, but he's just as determined on maintaining the engagement as he'd been previously.

| 1886 | (1) There is a number of tragedies in 1886 that makes it a rather odd year in Olivier's life, if only because much of what is seen as terrible thing by society, in truth, wasn't at all so awful - not for him.

| 1886 | (2)The most remarkable is Isadora's encounters with an Australian muggleborn, whose stay at Britain is counted. They are close friends and confidants, which he finds to be the best relationship he could have with a wife he doesn't love. She's the first to tell him of this young man, and it leaves him inside a trap - of whether to find a way to let her go or, instead, still hold them both to a life they did not want to have. Not even Olivier could lie to hismelf about his rather romantic tendencies, even if he'd never fallen for someone. So he decides to help Isadora, faking her death - a wizarding disease that acted too fast for any healer to succeed - and turning into a widower; there is a funeral, ceremonies, and he doesn't tell one soul. No one understands why he does still so well at work, but he makes an excuse that it's his way to cope.

| 1886 | (3) Furthermore, Olivier joins the Black's, continuing the tradition among his family.

| 1887 | Pretending to be a widower is tiring, more so when people believe he has killed his wife due to her inability to have a child. It is why he decides against marrying somebody else, for the time being, though there's also something to do with his lack of interest in marrying a woman even for friendship. He longs for more, despite not knowing if he could ever find it. However, there's a vacancy and the Head of Department spot is open - he puts good work as well as he can with the most important people, and rises to the role. It's the confirmation he's rised to what he most wanted at his career, but also an odd place in which despite his work, he doesn't have many goals. Even so, working for itself is a huge role, and he's ready to take the challenge.
  Sophisticated - Calculating - Polite - Achievement-oriented

To the outside world, Olivier Mulciber is a refined young man, whose smarts have taken him close to the top of the ladder at the Ministry. His aim has always been to head a department at the Ministry, something he has conquered through the right amount of sophistication, knowing who to befriend and taking the right decisions. He is, at his core, a man of morales, but unafraid to bend rules if necessary. On top of it, he thinks of himself as a man who mistreats nobody, though he's quite assertive and willing to use of his position in society if necessary.

To those he's closest to, Olivier can be caring and a listener, though he's not a man of warmth. Deep down, he's a romantic who longs for something special with somebody but he's learned since teenagehood to shun these feelings away. He prefers to let his family be instead of interfering with every little thing, but isn't scared from showing how protective he can get - and so, he lets it clear whoever hurts them will live to regret doing so.
Name: Eve
Age: 18
Contact: Discord
Other Characters: Irene Fudge King Lukeson Idris Ross Stella De Loncrey Sun Smith
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Olivier Mulciber - by Olivier Mulciber - September 19, 2019 – 1:48 AM
Olivier Mulciber - by Elias Grimstone - September 24, 2019 – 7:55 PM
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