Well he said he felt the same. That's almost as good, right? It seemed as if he couldn't say the actual word. But I do feel as if he's shown it in other ways at the very least. I guess you don't have to actually say it to feel it, right? Perhaps I'm just overthinking it all. That seems to be a problem of mine. Overthinking everything and then inevitably ruining it in the process. I should stop doing that, shouldn't I? This is why it's so awful we can visit in person. Surely that would help.
And I would honestly love to be his wife... I never thought I'd ever feel such a way with anyone. But.. I could see myself building a life with him. But I can't now. I have to finish school and at least get a career started! What if something were to happen to him and then I'd be all alone without a finished education or a career. No.. I have to do those things first before even considering something otherwise.
I suppose we've just vaguely mentioned lessons of intimacy. I think, had he not been such a gentleman, we might have done more on that bench in the park. But we both agreed that we couldn't do that there. A lady's first time should be.. memorable. And special.
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