Effie could lose herself in a puzzle like the best of them, even if Hanna always seemed more intense about them; but Effie only half-heard the question from where she was busy sorting certain pieces into smaller piles, and looked up curiously as she digested it.
Scandalous. Effie paused, brow furrowing slightly in spite of herself. She did not have any experience with scandal, nor condoned it – but she was determined, always, to be a good influence on her friends. So she could surely indulge a question.
“Ask me anything,” she said, purposely light, head tilting to observe Hanna, “as long as you don’t presume that I have all the answers. I’m – not an expert.” (She presumed.)
Scandalous. Effie paused, brow furrowing slightly in spite of herself. She did not have any experience with scandal, nor condoned it – but she was determined, always, to be a good influence on her friends. So she could surely indulge a question.
“Ask me anything,” she said, purposely light, head tilting to observe Hanna, “as long as you don’t presume that I have all the answers. I’m – not an expert.” (She presumed.)