Anne didn't bother to hide her smirk or immense glee at the absolute chaos she caused in the Great Hall. If a few people were still coughing from the flood she sent crashing through the room, too bad. Half the boys needed to bathe anyway, Anne should have conjured soap and towels for effect. The idea had her snickering, the sour look Miss Dursley shot her only making her shoulders shake with the effort of controlling herself. Anne made a show of enjoying the wait for her opponent. This was the tiebreaker; the next pass would claim the title for better or worse. Anne refused to look worried about the outcome. It was much better to make her opponent sweat (or drown).
Looking for all the world like she had somewhere else to be, Anne rolled her shoulders, getting back into position as if defense was an afterthought. It was. As soon as she noticed Miss Dursley's breathing change, an easy enough tell if you know what you're looking for, Anne gave her wand a snap, Hornbeam and dragon heartstring singing in delight of their clear purpose. "Incarcerous!"
Looking for all the world like she had somewhere else to be, Anne rolled her shoulders, getting back into position as if defense was an afterthought. It was. As soon as she noticed Miss Dursley's breathing change, an easy enough tell if you know what you're looking for, Anne gave her wand a snap, Hornbeam and dragon heartstring singing in delight of their clear purpose. "Incarcerous!"