Of all the rash, moronic actions—
Cori’s bun, despite that she was now dry, was rapidly coming apart – like the water invigorated the rebellious streak in her (and her hair), instead of dousing her competitive spirit – and falling in waves over her shoulders. Tossing them back out of the way gave her the momentary distraction needed to stifle her outrage as it tried to spread like a frost through her veins, though, and so the only sign of the Hufflepuff’s displeasure was a narrowing of her eyes; the last thing she needed was make it seem like Moony wasn’t the only one with both a temper and lack of composure.
She took slow breath, deciding to settle for looking frigidly unimpressed. It was time for a more aggressive play – if such a thoughtless disregard for bystanders was rewarded on the floor, then so be it.
“Flipendo!” She threw her body into the wand motion, putting as much force behind the knockback jinx as possible to truly send her opponent flying.
Cori’s bun, despite that she was now dry, was rapidly coming apart – like the water invigorated the rebellious streak in her (and her hair), instead of dousing her competitive spirit – and falling in waves over her shoulders. Tossing them back out of the way gave her the momentary distraction needed to stifle her outrage as it tried to spread like a frost through her veins, though, and so the only sign of the Hufflepuff’s displeasure was a narrowing of her eyes; the last thing she needed was make it seem like Moony wasn’t the only one with both a temper and lack of composure.
She took slow breath, deciding to settle for looking frigidly unimpressed. It was time for a more aggressive play – if such a thoughtless disregard for bystanders was rewarded on the floor, then so be it.
“Flipendo!” She threw her body into the wand motion, putting as much force behind the knockback jinx as possible to truly send her opponent flying.