The smell of water was overpowering as a gigantic geyser burst forth from Miss Moony's wand and towards her opponent. Ada had the advantage of seeing it coming and promptly cast a parasol spell with her wand and raised it over her head to save herself from the worst.
As for the duel, it had to run its course and once Miss Dursley (and a lot of those behind her, quite frankly) was thoroughly soaked, Ada went about setting everything to rights. “This point goes to Miss Moony,” She announced, before bidding Miss Dursley to begin their tie-breaker.
As for the duel, it had to run its course and once Miss Dursley (and a lot of those behind her, quite frankly) was thoroughly soaked, Ada went about setting everything to rights. “This point goes to Miss Moony,” She announced, before bidding Miss Dursley to begin their tie-breaker.
You have 72 hrs from now until Thurs., March 20.
Corinne Dursley: 7 | Anne Moony: 10