And now there were only two left. She took a moment to stare at the Slytherin across from her, taking the other fifth year's measure: a fellow dueling club member that was somewhat more talented than Cori, good friends with the girl that Cori just beat in addition. She'd need to consider each spell she cast with both care and urgency - perhaps now, with consideration for her wand core, was the time to start using charms more heavily than jinxes and curses...
(Though she'd never admit it, the Hufflepuff did want to win; most terribly so. The question, she supposed distantly, was who wanted it more...)
"Immobulus!" The freezing charm leapt from her wand tip as she flicked it up at hip height, trying to be quicker than her opponent by not wasting time to raise her wand all the way before her.
(Though she'd never admit it, the Hufflepuff did want to win; most terribly so. The question, she supposed distantly, was who wanted it more...)
"Immobulus!" The freezing charm leapt from her wand tip as she flicked it up at hip height, trying to be quicker than her opponent by not wasting time to raise her wand all the way before her.