He ought to be annoyed by Glynn going all mad scientist on him, poking and prodding and note-taking like that instead of helping, but... Jimmy was watching him in something like awe. He had never been so cool.
Jimmy’s own heart rate ratcheted up, and, as if in response, the Devil’s Snare did exactly what Glynn had predicted it would. He was still grinning, but there was a tinge of nervousness now as he asked, “What does a Devil’s snare do once it strangles things? Do we know? Does it eat them?” There were carnivorous plants aplenty – and Glynn had called him prey.
Jimmy’s own heart rate ratcheted up, and, as if in response, the Devil’s Snare did exactly what Glynn had predicted it would. He was still grinning, but there was a tinge of nervousness now as he asked, “What does a Devil’s snare do once it strangles things? Do we know? Does it eat them?” There were carnivorous plants aplenty – and Glynn had called him prey.