She watched him for a moment, seeming to settle in. She felt better seated, less like the world was vibrating around her, and eventually she relented. "You're right, I'll probably have to leave country tomorrow out of embarrassment." She turned her head to somewhere over her shoulder (though who knew where the elf was at that point) "Tippit, you can go. I'll call-" but there had been a disappearing pop the instant permission was granted. "Poor thing." Meri muttered as an after thought. "She was a gift from my brother." It was the only explanation she could offer him why someone like her had a house elf.
She settled her full attention back on him and might have squared her shoulders if everything didn't feel so slack and relaxed. "If this is a farce, I won't speak to you ever again."
She settled her full attention back on him and might have squared her shoulders if everything didn't feel so slack and relaxed. "If this is a farce, I won't speak to you ever again."