It was refreshing, to be able to visit Dru on their terms. Before, the summers and winter breaks had been spent exchanging a flurry of letters, and since their debut, they'd mostly seen each other in secret circumstance with the rest of their group, or at parties, where they could not really talk. It was a far cry from the years where they'd been a bed apart, whispering into the night, or when Morrigan had been able to climb into Dru's bed in the morning and say whatever she wanted.
Now she got to visit the Rowle home and take turns through the grounds.
"Of course I do," Morrigan said, raising an eyebrow at Drusilla. She was still trying to find the best ritual for her curse — but God, blood curses were hard to undo — but her fascination with everyone else's was undimmed. Dark magic was vast, and the things she could do with it were vast — and she envied Dru's willingness to do a ritual without knowing the exact outcome.
Now she got to visit the Rowle home and take turns through the grounds.
"Of course I do," Morrigan said, raising an eyebrow at Drusilla. She was still trying to find the best ritual for her curse — but God, blood curses were hard to undo — but her fascination with everyone else's was undimmed. Dark magic was vast, and the things she could do with it were vast — and she envied Dru's willingness to do a ritual without knowing the exact outcome.

set by Bee