Themis didn’t fear the dark. What an irony that would be. She greatly disliked enclosed darkness; distinctions mattered. There was something about not seeing the sky that went against her nature and demanded rebellion. She felt it in every potions class as a girl and in the subterranean libraries she visited as a scholar; Themis needed the heavens above her to feel at ease. She accepted this and moved beyond this unfortunate aversion when confronted, but her grip tightened on Samuel’s as they descended, her body tensing against a perceived threat. This she did not like at all, but he would have to pull her another mile before she swallowed her pride and begged to stop. Thankfully, he stopped her and pointed out a particular stair before stepping down and reaching back for her. She balked at the notion of needing such accommodation but sought his arms without hesitation. When he placed her on solid ground, it took her a beat too long to let go of his arms.
Once she was at least nominally convinced there could be something more interesting than his eyes to see in their new surroundings, she looked away, breaking contact with him. She regretted letting go.
Magic pricked along her skin like static as she stepped deeper, the tang of magic pulling at something that left her unsettled in the best of all possible ways. Whatever was done here left traces in the room; the laboratory itself a scar in the earth. How was an Astronomer meant to find power here? Why did she care?
For a moment, Themis was at a loss as she considered her surroundings. She had no context for this place or situation. She didn’t know what this situations was. There had been no preparation for this and, for just a moment, she blamed Samuel for the contention. Her frustration evaporated before it truly took root as Themis considered the area. There was nothing haphazard about the place they stood now; no lapse in oversight. While all information told her she stood at the core of the earth, Themis knew they could not be too far from the surface. She did not know why she knew; only that she did and somehow it was true. As she considered the space around her, Samuel summoned light. Visibility only added to her unease. There was something compelling about this labyrinth, but how could anything thrive here? One might argue that no one had. There was no forethought when she went back to Samuel and took his hand.
Hand tightly in his, Themis stepped closer to the pit in the floor. She wasn’t certain if she wanted to be right or wrong in the next minute. “That’s blood magic.” It wasn’t a question, nor was it a judgment, merely an observation.
Once she was at least nominally convinced there could be something more interesting than his eyes to see in their new surroundings, she looked away, breaking contact with him. She regretted letting go.
Magic pricked along her skin like static as she stepped deeper, the tang of magic pulling at something that left her unsettled in the best of all possible ways. Whatever was done here left traces in the room; the laboratory itself a scar in the earth. How was an Astronomer meant to find power here? Why did she care?
For a moment, Themis was at a loss as she considered her surroundings. She had no context for this place or situation. She didn’t know what this situations was. There had been no preparation for this and, for just a moment, she blamed Samuel for the contention. Her frustration evaporated before it truly took root as Themis considered the area. There was nothing haphazard about the place they stood now; no lapse in oversight. While all information told her she stood at the core of the earth, Themis knew they could not be too far from the surface. She did not know why she knew; only that she did and somehow it was true. As she considered the space around her, Samuel summoned light. Visibility only added to her unease. There was something compelling about this labyrinth, but how could anything thrive here? One might argue that no one had. There was no forethought when she went back to Samuel and took his hand.
Hand tightly in his, Themis stepped closer to the pit in the floor. She wasn’t certain if she wanted to be right or wrong in the next minute. “That’s blood magic.” It wasn’t a question, nor was it a judgment, merely an observation.