The new year is a great time for housekeeping! Why not take some time this month to...
- Check your characters' ages! After all, they do have a birthday every year...
- Size up those kids! If you have a minor, they may have grown since you last looked at their height ;)
- Revisit your want ads! Any that have been filled can be stored via maintenance, and you can request to remove any posts you no longer need there as well. Another good idea is to take a look @ the info in your ads—is it all still accurate? Also, anyone considered as "plottable" should be tied to an actual plot!
- Update those profiles! When was the last time you added spouses/children/major events to your profile? For some of our characters (looking at you, Fitzroy Prewett), it could be nearing half a decade xD
— graphics by lady ❤ —