No, he wouldn't be, Dean decided. Sometimes Dempsey's foolish optimism was refreshing, sometimes Dean wondered just how he'd made it this far in life without getting into more trouble. In this case he would lean toward the former, hoping that Mae wouldn't ever be forward enough to actually ask Dean any questions. He'd always surmised she knew he was different somehow, but had never let on too much. Of course, Mae was one of very few people he felt comfortable enough to let down some walls, so it would make sense she had a more accurate reading on him.
"You two really will get along swimmingly." Dempsey and his sister were similar in a few ways, one of which was their confidence. Dean swayed closer as they walked, bumping his shoulder against Don Juan's gently. They probably couldn't get away with this walk for too much longer, and it was cold, but getting through the next couple of hours would feel painfully slow in anticipation of making up the lost time later.
"You two really will get along swimmingly." Dempsey and his sister were similar in a few ways, one of which was their confidence. Dean swayed closer as they walked, bumping his shoulder against Don Juan's gently. They probably couldn't get away with this walk for too much longer, and it was cold, but getting through the next couple of hours would feel painfully slow in anticipation of making up the lost time later.