Pip had made it to Hogwarts in one piece despite nearly falling out of his boat not just once but thrice. He'd also gotten a big bump to his noggin when he had hit his head against his trunk whilst packing it into the train. "Manwaring, Philip," was finally called out and up he went. He settled onto the stool but not before first falling backwards over on it. He resettled and the hat was placed on his head.
"Describe yourself in three words."
Only three words? "Charming, adventurous and athletic," he decided upon. Two of those things could certainly be true depending on his mood. But the last was a product of his own personal delusion on his personal athletic prowess. He assumed he had plenty but in reality he had none.
"Would you rather be able to change into an animal, change your appearance, or see the future?"
"See the future! Then I would know when bad things will happen and can warn people." Maybe his father would be alive if someone had been able to see the future. And his mother would not be marrying some other man. Though the thought of being able to change his appearance to be taller had a lot of merit.
"If you could invent a potion, what would it do?"
"Help bring the dead back to life but not like... in a gross way," Pip said. If he was more fully aware of what Inferi were, he might have reconsidered his answer.
"Imagine you see someone cheat in class. What do you do?"
"It's none of my business so I would ignore it." He wasn't a snitch. Besides, it was below his non-existent pay grade to have drama with fellow students when it was the professors job to catch these things out.
"Who is your enemy and how will you defeat them?"
"Julius Scrimgeour," he decided promptly. "I would put frogs in his shoes, a mouse in his satchel and glue in his hat." That would show him.
"Describe yourself in three words."
Only three words? "Charming, adventurous and athletic," he decided upon. Two of those things could certainly be true depending on his mood. But the last was a product of his own personal delusion on his personal athletic prowess. He assumed he had plenty but in reality he had none.
"Would you rather be able to change into an animal, change your appearance, or see the future?"
"See the future! Then I would know when bad things will happen and can warn people." Maybe his father would be alive if someone had been able to see the future. And his mother would not be marrying some other man. Though the thought of being able to change his appearance to be taller had a lot of merit.
"If you could invent a potion, what would it do?"
"Help bring the dead back to life but not like... in a gross way," Pip said. If he was more fully aware of what Inferi were, he might have reconsidered his answer.
"Imagine you see someone cheat in class. What do you do?"
"It's none of my business so I would ignore it." He wasn't a snitch. Besides, it was below his non-existent pay grade to have drama with fellow students when it was the professors job to catch these things out.
"Who is your enemy and how will you defeat them?"
"Julius Scrimgeour," he decided promptly. "I would put frogs in his shoes, a mouse in his satchel and glue in his hat." That would show him.