The lady’s tone even as she so genteel-y denied the fact that she was taking classes here this summer did everything to recommend her. It sounded almost apologetic to his ear (even if there might be something to that adage about hearing what one wanted to hear) and so Basil dismissed it as a fault not of her own, but someone around her. As far as young ladies went, he knew that it was not always up to them to continue education if their family was strictly opposed. He continued to smile anyway, almost wanting to impress upon her that his door was always open should she decide to inquire further, but as that would be very forward of him, he refrained. Instead, the brunette nodded and ran a hand through his hair, tousling it.
“I see,” he acknowledged.
“Well, should you like to visit inside I’d be more than happy to be your escort. I’m sure your Mr. Nott will have no trouble at all in finding us, if he is to meet you nearby.”
Basil paused to give the lady space and time to think on it. He couldn’t help but notice that while not exactly… shy, she did seem to be a woman of few words. He liked that about her too. Someone who chose their words carefully was a lot more trustworthy in his express opinion, than someone who flew off the cuff and said the very first thing that popped to mind. Then, deciding he might press just a bit more out of his own curiosity, Basil inclined his head a bit.
“I’m not sure I caught your name either,” he hedged.