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Welcome to Charming, the year is now 1895. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.

Where will you fall?

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Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

Teodora Flores Delgado
Full Name: Teodora Flores Delgado
Nicknames: Tia, Dora
Birthdate: July 25th, 1875
Current Age: 19 Years
Gender: Female
Occupation: Debutante
Reputation: 10
Residence: Hogsmeade
Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff
Wand: Apple wood, 10”, pliant, unicorn tail hair core
Blood Status: Halfblood
Social Class: Middle

  • Juan Antonio Flores Salazar | Father | b. 1835
  • Dolores Delgado Ortiz | Mother | b. 1842, d. 1884
    • Penelope Podmore | Sister | b. 1865
      • Clinton Podmore | Brother-In-Law | b. 1856
      • Maria Podmore | Niece | b. 1888
      • Francesca Podmore | Niece | b. 1891
    • Catalina Flores Delgado | Sister | b. 1867
    • Julian Flores Delgado | Brother | b. 1869
    • Alvaro Flores Delgado | Brother | b. 1872/li>
    • Esmeralda Flores Delgado | Sister | b. 1880

  • Ethnicity: Spanish
  • Height: 5’2”
  • Hair: Long, dark, and curly.
  • Eyes: Brown and doe-like.
  • Wand Hand: Right.
  • Build: Teodora has always been small, just like her late mother. Short and soft, putting weight on a little too easily and carrying it mostly about her hips. She was quite plump as a girl, and though she slimmed out some as she grew she fears that pregnancy will make her so all over again.
  • Attire: She favors bright and airy clothing, the sort with ample frills which will twirl beautifully while she dances. More often than not she dresses in sunny yellows, and delights in specifying which shade of yellow a particular dress is. Sunshine, marigold, sunflower, and lemon are, after all, completely different colors.
  • Demeanor: Tia dances through life, her feet barely seeming to touch the ground and her head ever in the clouds, clumsy in her daydreams. She is all smiles and bubbles, striving always to entertain. As a result she is a delight to be around, but is simultaneously considered frivolous. Stupid, even. She has been known to demean herself to make others feel better.
  • Play By: Camila Cabello

  • 1875: Teodora is born shortly after her family moves to London from Spain.
  • 1876-1879: Teodora lives a blessed little life. As the baby in her family she is often spoiled, not that she knows it. She is cheerful, loving, but demanding, and quick to pitch a tantrum if she does not get her way. As she gets older, her fits are often accompanied by bursts of chaotic magic– broken glass and flickering candles. Her mother takes to calling her tormenta, out of exasperation. Once the family moves to Hogsmeade she is something less of a terror, as it turns out she enjoys getting to dash around out of doors.
  • 1880: The birth of Esmeralda is a shock to Tia. Suddenly she is no longer the family’s only baby, nor the absolute center of attention. She takes it… poorly, at first, but in time she adjusts to the idea of being a big sister.
  • 1884: When the Laughing Plague hits it brings Tia’s happy little world crashing in. In what seems like no time at all her mother is gone. It takes Tia years to be comfortable with laughter again. She loses her mischief. A quieter, more contained child, stricken to frightened tears whenever her siblings leave her on her own.
  • 1886: Tia sobs for hours on the night before she boards the train to school. She is sleepless, utterly inconsolable, and she hates that about herself. For weeks it’s all she’s been able to talk about– which house do you think I’ll be in? What will they serve at the feast? Oh I just cannot wait for classes to start– but now it’s here, and now she realizes it’s her last night in her bed. Her last day at home all the way until Christmas. Of course it all turns out fine the next day. Tia makes her first friend before they’ve even entered the castle, and many more once she’s sorted into Hufflepuff. Given a couple of weeks she even manages to sleep comfortably in her dormitory bed without chattering late into the night.
  • 1890: Tia doesn’t really recognize her first crush for what it is. It never occurs to her that she could have such feelings, not for another girl, but the pretty Ravenclaw sitting across the aisle from her in History of Magic is as strong a distraction as she can get. By late September she plucks up the courage to talk to her– by winter break they are nearly inseparable, fast friends, but the butterflies Tia feels whenever their eyes meet only worsen. It makes no sense, the way her heart breaks when she catches the girl kissing a boy in an empty corridor. Shocked and angry– because, she thinks, she thought better of her friend than that– Tia tells her housemates what she saw. By the next morning she regrets it, but the word is out, and her friend never speaks to her again. She is so distracted during her History of Magic OWL she skips one question entirely, and puts little thought into the rest.
  • 1892: Her final year at Hogwarts flies by. It doesn’t feel real that she won’t return to the castle until she sends children of her own. She grieves for it, quietly, and makes no mention of the idle fancy that she might have made for an excellent Charms professor someday. That is not her lot, and as she finally debuts, she has more important things to worry about.
  • 1893: She is meant to marry well. A wealthy man, and one of a higher station if she can manage it– establish a better life for herself and her future children. That is why she rejects both of the proposals offered to her by decent men. Modest, hard-working men who would offer her a harder life than her father wants for her. She bids one farewell with an apologetic smile. The second with a secret kiss, and many tears for her sisters.
  • 1894: Present Day

  • Bubbly
  • Excitable
  • Trusting
  • Hopelessly Romantic
  • Genuine
  • Compassionate
  • Gullible
  • Impatient
  • Needy
  • Frivolous

Teodora lives her life atop a silver lining. Cheerful to the point of obstinance, and desperate for the approval of her kin and peers. She is a soft-hearted soul guided by a cottony, romantic optimism which makes her distinctly gullible. Her default is to assume the best of people– their beliefs, their intentions– and her reaction to learning otherwise is rarely rational. Tia feels everything deeply. First to laugh, first to cry, last to stop, and should she ever feel wronged convincing her to forgive would be like shifting a mountain at its base.

  • Amortentia: Orange zest, sugared violets, and fresh lemonade.
  • Boggart: The visage of her mother, pale and frail and doubled over in uncontrollable laughter.
  • Quirks:
    • Prefers to be outside whenever possible, and enjoys the first warm days of late spring more than anything.
    • Enjoys reading, but favors the light, frothy, romantic books which one certainly does not boast about reading.
    • Tends to become nervous when anyone laughs a little too loud, too long, or too often.
    • Delights in fashion, clinging to the cutting edge of each season’s style and striving always to dazzle. She can seem almost too invested in her appearance.
    • She attends church regularly and prays every night, as her mother would have wanted, but since her mother’s death Tia has secretly struggled to believe in anything. It is a shame she will not admit out loud.
  • Skills:
    • Fluent in English and Spanish, accomplished in Italian, passable in French. Has learned some Latin, as well, after studying it with her mother for church.
    • A rich, throaty singing voice– not the most delicate, but certainly beautiful.
    • Studied piano, an instrument chosen out of necessity and certainly not interest. She is passable at it, but certainly no sort of master, and remains distinctly uncomfortable with performing for others.
  • Academics:
    • Astronomy
      • OWLS: A
    • Care of Magical Creatures
      • OWLS: E
      • NEWTS: E
    • Charms
      • OWLS: O
      • NEWTS: O
    • Defense Against the Dark Arts
      • OWLS: E
    • Herbology
      • OWLS: O
      • NEWTS: E
    • History of Magic
      • OWLS: P
    • Potions
      • OWLS: E
    • Transfiguration
      • OWLS: O
      • NEWTS: O

Name: Arcadia
Age: 29
Contact: Discord
Other Characters: @’Olive Norris’, @’Julian Moore’, @’Titania Applegate’, @’Prometheus Pomfrey’, @’Harriet Bythesea’
How did you hear about us?: I have always been here. In your walls.

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Teodora Flores Delgado - by Teodora Flores - July 23, 2024 – 6:30 AM
Teodora Flores Delgado - by Aldous Crouch - July 23, 2024 – 9:51 PM
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