"You certainly never gave me a full explanation, did you? Did you simply think I was not owed one?" Tycho asked. None of the 'explanation' provided by Ford had really ever painted a full picture. He supposed Ford simply had not trusted him enough so he had to wonder why Ford expected him to trust Ford.
"I wasn't really," he drawled as he let himself continue to hover. "I was partaking and then I thought of that one night I came here after completing my animagus transformation. I think I had been around here in raven form when I turned human. And well, you know what happened from there."
"I wasn't really," he drawled as he let himself continue to hover. "I was partaking and then I thought of that one night I came here after completing my animagus transformation. I think I had been around here in raven form when I turned human. And well, you know what happened from there."