"Very good, Mr. Hunter—take five points for Gryffindor," Nell said, vaguely startled at the fact that the Gryffindor had managed to draw an entire sketch, even a simplistic one, to accompany his response in such a short time. She appreciated the enthusiasm regardless—though was not sure his peers would.
"And five for Slytherin as well, Miss Moony, for that rather... descriptive warning."
Had students been like this when she had been a child? Nell could not recall—it had been so very long ago!
She returned her attentions to the rest of the class as she explained, "Bowtruckles are sometimes called tree guardians. They may not seem, upon first consideration, the most exciting of magical beasts, but but they perform an important role in healthy tree growth—particularly, as Miss Moony noted, in the case of wand trees, without which most of us would be little more gifted than muggles. And there happen to be at least a dozen in the tress around us."
The professor held her hands out to either side, gesturing around them for emphasis.
"Where we have a longer lesson today&madash;" three hours, in fact, owing to some schedule tweaks above her pay grade "—I thought it would be the idea opportunity to have you sight and observe the behaviour of these creatures. You may find it easier to pair off, but may also choose to go it alone. Regardless," she added with a wry smile, "I will expect a report on the species that includes your observations by week's end."
Nell would, of course, remain on hand in an effort to curtail any potential misbehaviour, but also to answer any questions that might arise. Her goal, though, was to see what the students could do on their own, left vaguely to their own devices.
"And five for Slytherin as well, Miss Moony, for that rather... descriptive warning."
Had students been like this when she had been a child? Nell could not recall—it had been so very long ago!
She returned her attentions to the rest of the class as she explained, "Bowtruckles are sometimes called tree guardians. They may not seem, upon first consideration, the most exciting of magical beasts, but but they perform an important role in healthy tree growth—particularly, as Miss Moony noted, in the case of wand trees, without which most of us would be little more gifted than muggles. And there happen to be at least a dozen in the tress around us."
The professor held her hands out to either side, gesturing around them for emphasis.
"Where we have a longer lesson today&madash;" three hours, in fact, owing to some schedule tweaks above her pay grade "—I thought it would be the idea opportunity to have you sight and observe the behaviour of these creatures. You may find it easier to pair off, but may also choose to go it alone. Regardless," she added with a wry smile, "I will expect a report on the species that includes your observations by week's end."
Nell would, of course, remain on hand in an effort to curtail any potential misbehaviour, but also to answer any questions that might arise. Her goal, though, was to see what the students could do on their own, left vaguely to their own devices.