Protego liked to think he had perfected the fine mercantile art of hovering. The trick, of course, was to be available without being too overbearing--and to be able to spot which customers needed a heavier hand than others. He was very good at his job, is what he was saying.
So, he had been hovering near a pair of customers, ostensibly straightening up a display that had recently been picked through, but really just making himself available for when they needed him. So, when one of the ladies asked a question, he was quick to sweep in, charming salesman smile and all. "Ah! I see you've found our Foe-Glass. Terribly useful item for anyone with enemies to keep track of." Though, in Protego's experience, what the glass considered "enemies" varied wildly on the possessor. He'd sold two the same week once--one to an ex-auror who'd understandably angered a lot of dark wizards in his day, and one to an old curmudgeon who erroneously thought everyone and their brother was out to get him--and, well, the reviews from both had been excellent, so he assumed they both got what they wanted out of it. "If you have enemies nearby, miss, the glass will be able to tell you. Their image will become clearer the nearer they are."
So, he had been hovering near a pair of customers, ostensibly straightening up a display that had recently been picked through, but really just making himself available for when they needed him. So, when one of the ladies asked a question, he was quick to sweep in, charming salesman smile and all. "Ah! I see you've found our Foe-Glass. Terribly useful item for anyone with enemies to keep track of." Though, in Protego's experience, what the glass considered "enemies" varied wildly on the possessor. He'd sold two the same week once--one to an ex-auror who'd understandably angered a lot of dark wizards in his day, and one to an old curmudgeon who erroneously thought everyone and their brother was out to get him--and, well, the reviews from both had been excellent, so he assumed they both got what they wanted out of it. "If you have enemies nearby, miss, the glass will be able to tell you. Their image will become clearer the nearer they are."