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Welcome to Charming, the year is now 1894. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.

Where will you fall?

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It’s quite unusual for a caster's patronus to be their favourite animal, but very possible that it will take the shape of a creature they’ve never before seen or heard of. — Amy
As he fell, Ford recalled the trials of Gulliver during his interactions with the Lilliputians.
Potato Wars

Force of Nature
Thistle's stomach twisted as she watched his face fall.  There wasn't anything wrong with what she said - he had been demonstrably and empirically not a good prospect for her - but her instincts clamored that it was the wrong thing to say.  Regret wasn't an emotion she felt often but she desperately wished she could take it back.  And she didn't even really know why. 

"It's not - you didn't - " she started as he got to his feet, rising to hers as well.  She almost felt like she should apologize some how but before she could debate with herself about it a gardener came rushing up one of the rows calling warnings about the devils snare they were dangerously close to. 

[Image: BJWeo7.png]
Set by Bee <3

Messages In This Thread
Force of Nature - by Endymion Dempsey - July 8, 2022 – 7:27 PM
RE: Force of Nature - by Thistle Potts - August 7, 2022 – 3:18 AM
RE: Force of Nature - by Endymion Dempsey - August 24, 2022 – 9:25 PM
RE: Force of Nature - by Thistle Potts - September 4, 2022 – 2:46 AM
RE: Force of Nature - by Endymion Dempsey - September 17, 2022 – 11:26 PM
RE: Force of Nature - by Thistle Potts - October 2, 2022 – 5:23 AM
RE: Force of Nature - by Endymion Dempsey - October 17, 2022 – 11:45 PM
RE: Force of Nature - by Thistle Potts - January 8, 2023 – 7:17 AM
RE: Force of Nature - by Endymion Dempsey - February 1, 2023 – 11:56 PM
RE: Force of Nature - by Thistle Potts - August 27, 2023 – 8:14 PM
RE: Force of Nature - by Endymion Dempsey - September 9, 2023 – 4:08 PM
RE: Force of Nature - by Thistle Potts - October 1, 2023 – 7:04 AM
RE: Force of Nature - by Endymion Dempsey - October 11, 2023 – 11:02 PM
RE: Force of Nature - by Thistle Potts - October 12, 2023 – 5:31 AM
RE: Force of Nature - by Endymion Dempsey - November 2, 2023 – 11:23 PM
RE: Force of Nature - by Thistle Potts - November 4, 2023 – 3:46 AM
RE: Force of Nature - by Endymion Dempsey - December 23, 2023 – 1:12 AM
RE: Force of Nature - by Thistle Potts - January 29, 2024 – 4:35 AM
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