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Welcome to Charming, the year is now 1894. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.

Where will you fall?

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It’s quite unusual for a caster's patronus to be their favourite animal, but very possible that it will take the shape of a creature they’ve never before seen or heard of. — Amy
As he fell, Ford recalled the trials of Gulliver during his interactions with the Lilliputians.
Potato Wars

meet me on the fire escape
Well, it was a relief that only one of them was in danger of fainting on the spot. The more Adrienne looked at her wounds, the more her stomach turned, and she absently reached up to grip Olympe’s hand. Her maid squeezed her hand back just as tightly, and she glanced up to see the woman’s face just as pale if not more so than her own. Hearing the man’s suggestion brought her back to the situation and Adrienne inhaled sharply as she shifted her weight again. “That…that might be best,” She said, trying to see if she could at least flex her foot. Despite the skin’s appearance, it felt tight, as if pointing her toe would make the skin tear like a piece of parchment. Dear Merlin was she going to be disfigured for the rest of her life? (Later, she would give herself a thorough admonishment for thinking such a vapid thought when there were likely people dying out on the streets, but in the moment, she felt quite at a loss as to how else to react).

She reached down to try and brush the singed fabric out of the way. The already fragile tendrils of thread fell away like ash to reveal her torn stocking. Adrienne suppressed a sob of shock, clutching at Olympe again. Her modesty was hardly something to worry about but she nonetheless almost reached down to brush her skirts back over the wound. Catching herself, she gathered her stocking and raised it up to reveal more of the wound. “I’m not sure what else to do…” She muttered, her eyes skimming over her leg. The mention of if she was with her husband caused her lip to tremble. She would have liked it if Cash were here. “N-no, I was just with my maid running errands.” She paused momentarily, looking up at the man with watery eyes. “How did you know I was married?” In her panic she’d forgotten it was quite easy to tell given she had a wedding ring on. But he…did seem familiar… “Do…do I know you?”

[Image: VIzcNLA.png]

Messages In This Thread
meet me on the fire escape - by Theodore Gallivan - September 17, 2023 – 11:11 PM
RE: meet me on the fire escape - by Adrienne Lestrange - October 5, 2023 – 12:32 AM
RE: meet me on the fire escape - by Theodore Gallivan - October 18, 2023 – 12:23 AM
RE: meet me on the fire escape - by Adrienne Lestrange - November 3, 2023 – 8:46 PM
RE: meet me on the fire escape - by Theodore Gallivan - November 20, 2023 – 9:15 PM
RE: meet me on the fire escape - by Adrienne Lestrange - December 11, 2023 – 2:32 AM
RE: meet me on the fire escape - by Theodore Gallivan - January 11, 2024 – 10:53 PM
RE: meet me on the fire escape - by Adrienne Lestrange - January 19, 2024 – 8:07 AM
RE: meet me on the fire escape - by Theodore Gallivan - February 10, 2024 – 1:37 AM
RE: meet me on the fire escape - by Adrienne Lestrange - March 6, 2024 – 7:00 AM
RE: meet me on the fire escape - by Theodore Gallivan - March 18, 2024 – 1:19 AM
RE: meet me on the fire escape - by Adrienne Lestrange - March 23, 2024 – 7:45 PM
RE: meet me on the fire escape - by Theodore Gallivan - April 14, 2024 – 5:53 PM
RE: meet me on the fire escape - by Adrienne Lestrange - May 24, 2024 – 6:49 PM
RE: meet me on the fire escape - by Theodore Gallivan - June 7, 2024 – 8:26 PM
RE: meet me on the fire escape - by Adrienne Lestrange - June 8, 2024 – 12:48 AM
RE: meet me on the fire escape - by Theodore Gallivan - June 24, 2024 – 11:29 PM
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