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Welcome to Charming, the year is now 1894. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.

Where will you fall?

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It’s quite unusual for a caster's patronus to be their favourite animal, but very possible that it will take the shape of a creature they’ve never before seen or heard of. — Amy
As he fell, Ford recalled the trials of Gulliver during his interactions with the Lilliputians.
Potato Wars

can't pretend we're more than friends
It seemed Miss Farris found exactly what she was looking for, climbing the ladder efficiently to reach what she needed. He was momentarily distracted by another title a shelf over and moved away to pull it from the shelf. He barely caught onto what she was saying, or her motions before he noticed her miss a rung on the ladder.

Nigel dropped the books in his hands hastily, trying to reach to steady her, but overcompensated, instead pushing the library ladder instead of grabbing it, which would up unsettling Miss Farris even further, her weight with nothing to catch it by him. Nigel managed to at least cushion her fall, hitting the ground roughly, his head hitting the wooden floor harder than he would have liked, stars appearing before his eyes as he blinked a few times. The wind knocked from his chest, he didn't have any air so as to inquire after Miss Farris for a moment.

Finally he managed to inhale enough, gingerly picking his head up from the floor to look at the predicament they found themselves in. "Are you alright?" He asked tentatively, cheeks heating up in embarrassment; Nigel had never been any semblance of graceful.

[Image: NigelSig.png]

Messages In This Thread
can't pretend we're more than friends - by Matilda Farris - August 18, 2023 – 4:37 PM
RE: can't pretend we're more than friends - by Nigel Yarwood - August 21, 2023 – 5:45 PM
RE: can't pretend we're more than friends - by Matilda Farris - August 27, 2023 – 12:44 PM
RE: can't pretend we're more than friends - by Nigel Yarwood - August 28, 2023 – 5:54 PM
RE: can't pretend we're more than friends - by Matilda Farris - September 23, 2023 – 10:07 PM
RE: can't pretend we're more than friends - by Nigel Yarwood - October 1, 2023 – 1:15 AM
RE: can't pretend we're more than friends - by Matilda Farris - October 14, 2023 – 4:54 PM
RE: can't pretend we're more than friends - by Nigel Yarwood - October 21, 2023 – 7:12 PM
RE: can't pretend we're more than friends - by Matilda Farris - November 13, 2023 – 11:19 PM
RE: can't pretend we're more than friends - by Nigel Yarwood - November 18, 2023 – 7:57 PM
RE: can't pretend we're more than friends - by Matilda Farris - December 9, 2023 – 1:18 AM
RE: can't pretend we're more than friends - by Nigel Yarwood - December 10, 2023 – 5:55 PM
RE: can't pretend we're more than friends - by Matilda Farris - January 8, 2024 – 9:07 PM
RE: can't pretend we're more than friends - by Nigel Yarwood - January 14, 2024 – 9:54 PM
RE: can't pretend we're more than friends - by Matilda Farris - February 10, 2024 – 1:41 AM
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