Something dropped in Mira's stomach when Robin said he'd been cursed as well. Mira had a suspicion when and why her brother had been cursed. Unfortunately, the Imperio Curse hadn't erased all memory of the thirty years that had passed, and in spite of the haziness of it all, she could recall her vision of his betrayal to all his father held dear. Her feeling compelled to go to her father's study and tell him all about it.
Did Robin suspect that she was behind it? The thought scared her. Robin had been her favourite brother, she didn't want him to get mad at her and never speak and play board games with her again!
"I guess so," Mira agreed shyly, looking down. Even in childhood, she was likely to hide the broken vase and lie instead of admit that she'd done something bad. "I would have liked to go to Hogwarts." Around the time she'd been cursed, Mira had been old enough to start getting excited about the magical school, looking forward to her sorting and all her classes. All that had been stripped away from her, and why? She was just a child, and not a problem one either (apart from being too talkative sometimes) surely he could have just conditioned her to do his bidding.
Did Robin suspect that she was behind it? The thought scared her. Robin had been her favourite brother, she didn't want him to get mad at her and never speak and play board games with her again!
"I guess so," Mira agreed shyly, looking down. Even in childhood, she was likely to hide the broken vase and lie instead of admit that she'd done something bad. "I would have liked to go to Hogwarts." Around the time she'd been cursed, Mira had been old enough to start getting excited about the magical school, looking forward to her sorting and all her classes. All that had been stripped away from her, and why? She was just a child, and not a problem one either (apart from being too talkative sometimes) surely he could have just conditioned her to do his bidding.
“I have a very childlike rage, and a very childlike loneliness.”
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