September 1, 1893 - The Great Hall
The first years enter to a room already filled with students at their tables; they stand in the aisle before the sorting hat is brought out and begins to sing the sorting song. When your name is called, you walk up and the hat is placed over your head.
The judgement begins.
"What is your most treasured memory?"
"Who knows you best, and why?"
"How would you describe yourself?"
"Describe your perfect day from start to finish."
"What class are you most excited about? Why?"
Reply to this post with one post only. Include your character's answers to all five questions that the Sorting Hat asks. First years can reply one after the other. They do not need to wait until the sorting hat responds to each individual. This allows for a quicker sorting for the first years. When the sorting hat does respond, it will reply to all previous first years with one post. The more detailed the answers the more accurate the sorting will be. Include the character's thought process and the logic used in their decision making. If your answer does not give enough information to make a judgement call or is very closely tied, a second round may be necessary.The judgement begins.
"What is your most treasured memory?"
"Who knows you best, and why?"
"How would you describe yourself?"
"Describe your perfect day from start to finish."
"What class are you most excited about? Why?"
My goal is to reply to this thread to sort first-years at least once every 24 hours!