Macnair’s hot-headed little retort only made Basil smirk harder even as a hand grabbed him by the navy striped necktie and tugged them closer. The action tore through him a match had been struck against his spine and grey eyes narrowed. They held a challenge Basil couldn’t vocalize as that big brain jumped hurdles trying to process what the other was saying. Before he could manage, the Ravenclaw found himself belly-up again and winded as he hit the dirt with a thud.
Wincing, but refusing to back down, Basil growled a small sound in the back of his throat. “Are you challenging your senior’s position?” He teased. One hand came up to wrap around Agrimony’s, still holding his tie. Basil had intended to pry the other’s fingers off and release himself, but didn’t quite manage it. “Remember little Slytherin,” he whispered instead. “I’ve a whole year on you. A whole year of application and experience.”
Agrimony Macnair anddddddd kiss .//squishes faces