Any courage mustered to reveal the depths of his affection for Maple vanished within an instant. The past would have to exist in the past, never to be reflected upon or brought up again. It was the only way to save his relationship with Winnie. And while Dory wasn't yet certain he could carry on without confessing, he knew he had to. Winnie was asking it of him.
"Alright," he sighed. He'd have to forget about Christmas and how much he realized he missed Maple. Perhaps, in time, he and the mediwitch could become friends again. Even if not, Dory could live with her loss if it meant staying with Winnie.
"Let's go into the new year leaving the past in the past."
"Alright," he sighed. He'd have to forget about Christmas and how much he realized he missed Maple. Perhaps, in time, he and the mediwitch could become friends again. Even if not, Dory could live with her loss if it meant staying with Winnie.
"Let's go into the new year leaving the past in the past."