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Welcome to Charming, the year is now 1895. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.

Where will you fall?

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Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

Toby Seacoal
Full Name: Toby Seacoal
Nicknames: None
Birthdate: July 3, 1882
Current Age: 11
Gender: Male
Occupation: Incoming First Year
Reputation: 7
While his family was respectable middle class they have fallen on hard times which the neighbors gossip about and have dropped to working class since Toby was born, additionally, because of Toby's dramatic ways he tends to call attention to himself.
Residence: Bartonburg, Hogsmeade
Hogwarts House: Unknown
Wand: Unknown
Blood Status: Half
Social Class: Working
Richard Seacoal | [b. 1837]
Suzanna Seacoal nee Dessalines | [b. 1850] Mother
Henry Seacoal | [b.1867] Brother
Beatrice ---- nee Seacoal | [b.1869] Sister and family
James Seacoal | [b. 1870] Brother
Ned Seacoal | [b. 1871] Brother
Allen Seacoal | [b. 1873] Brother
Appearance: Toby is tall for his age at 4 feet 8 inches and is very lanky. His movements are always large and it often appears that he can barely be contained. He is right handed. While he loves bright loud clothing he dresses based on his mood. If he is cheerful he wears bright colors, if he is sad dark colors, and angry often lends itself to reds.
He has dark skin and short curly black hair. His large lips often break out into a large smile that shows his white teeth.
Play-by: Lonnie Chavis
History: By the time Toby is born Rich and Suzanna Seacoal have been married for fifteen years and thought their days of childbearing were over, their youngest before Toby being only nine already, yet Toby shows up in the world in 1882 with as much fanfare as he desires throughout the rest of his life. Suzanna goes into labor a month earlier than expected on a hot July morning in the Potions store the family owns on High Street. She attempts to walk home but ends up delivering Toby with the assistance of her daughter Beatrice (then only 13) on a side street just off Padmore Park. Mortified and exhausted Suzanna has no idea this child will continue to cause her embarassment.
Toby is a loud baby, always making sure his feelings are known. He displays magic early on by making fireworks start in the family store and causing the store to catch on fire damaging part of the stock. By the time he is a toddler he is clumsy and it is often sighed what shall they do with Toby. As Toby grows up this does little to change. He proves to be next to no help in the store. His family loves him and seems too realize he is rather untamable. By the time he is five (1887) he is often sent to visit his godfather, the manager of de Montfault Theatre, where he helps sweep and set up sets for the shows. He quickly falls in love with the theater. After learning to read and write he seeks every play he can find and by the time he is ten he can quote many Shakespeare plays.
Meanwhile Toby's family is trying to hold itself together. His eldest brother completes his O.W.L.s in 1883 and takes a position as a mediwizard. Due to the fire of 1884 the family lost their small shop on Hight Street and had to rebuild, however, due to finances they were unable to build on High Street and ended up building closer to the slums. They pulled Suzanna from school to have her help with the shop and Toby. James and Ned are also pulled from school at this time while Allen goes to complete his first year. James finds a job at a library (and is the one to teach Toby to read, and to introduce him to Shakespeare for the first time, much to his family's chagrin) and Ned works as an errand boy. At first the Seacoals plan to send Suzanna, James, and Ned back to school but their shop never picks up business like before. After a flying tiger at the World's Wizarding Fair eats Richard Seacoal's right arm he is unable to assist much with the shop and so Allen is pulled from school to help his family. It also becomes apparant that of all the children Toby will be the least likely to be able to support himself as he will not be swayed from becoming a playwrite and as such the family begins to save their money to ensure he can attend all seven years of Hogwarts (if that's what it takes to find him a career he will actually go into). Over the next few years James becomes a librarian, Ned becomes security, Allen becomes a cook for one of the pubs, and Suzanna married and becomes a mother. They scrap together what they can from the shop but because of competition with the apothocary and freelance potioneers they are still struggling. Toby has a vague idea that money is an issue as he grows up, but really he's much more interested in his own dreams and doesn't realize the full extent of the issue.
In the summer of 1893 Toby is gleeful to receive his Hogwarts letter and can't wait to attend school in the fall.
Personality: Toby is full of energy, ethusiasm, and excitement. He loves grand gestures, causing scenes, and being the center of attention. He not only loves to be creative while writing plays and poetry, but also by acting. He is passionate about everything he enjoys and full of humor and cheer. Always ready to charm someone, he has a very warm heart and can be generous when it suits him. However, he is also very self centered, dislikes doing anything he doesn't like (which becomes laziness), is stubborn, and thinks very highly of himself. He is a bit unrealistic and doesn't realize how much his family has coddled him and that perhaps becoming a playwrite may not actually be possible.
Other: His lucky number is 3
He loves bright colors and loud noises
He is always trying to direct plays and randomly breaks into quotes from literature.
Name: Fallin
Age: 30 something
Contact: Throw a Toby style play to get my attention
Other Characters: All the world's [my] stage and all of Charming too
How did you hear about us?: du Montfault Theatre

[Image: 1LnnXQu.png]

Messages In This Thread
Toby Seacoal - by Toby Seacoal - July 19, 2023 – 7:12 PM
Toby Seacoal - by Elias Grimstone - July 20, 2023 – 4:14 PM
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