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Welcome to Charming, the year is now 1894. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.

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It’s quite unusual for a caster's patronus to be their favourite animal, but very possible that it will take the shape of a creature they’ve never before seen or heard of. — Amy
As he fell, Ford recalled the trials of Gulliver during his interactions with the Lilliputians.
Potato Wars

It's such a fine and natural sight
July 29th, 1893 — Malfoy London Home

Natsuko stood at the entrance of the grand Malfoy Manor ballroom, announced with her husband. The Celestial Ball, hosted by the prestigious Malfoy family, was a dazzling event that brought together the creme de la creme of magical society. Tonight, Natsuko wore a gown of enchanted materials, a creation made especially for her by her talented dressmaker in Osaka.

Her gown was a masterpiece, intricately designed around the phases of the moon. The fabric emitted a faint celestial glow, resembling the soft luminescence of moonlight. Natsuko felt like she was wrapped in an ethereal aura, her presence shining as bright as the stars above.

As Natsuko took a step forward into the ballroom, already knew the news that was no doubt rippling around the ballroom. Miss Victoire Malfoy, the woman she had once imagined as a rival for Atticus's affection, was now being courted by none other than Atticus's cousin, Anthony Alderton. The revelation sent a surge of mixed emotions through her.

Atticus had worn a delighted expression when telling her the news. He seemed genuinely happy for his cousin's newfound happiness. Natsuko, too, had been delighted for the gregarious man she had grown to like a great deal. Perhaps her previous assumptions about Miss Victoire Malfoy had been unkind and misjudged.

Natsuko had made up her mind. She would get to know her better. After all, the Foxwood and Alderton men were as close as brothers, making Victoire almost like a sister to Natsuko - eventually. She couldn't let any preconceived notions get in the way of that.

As she gently squeezed Atticus's hand, having told him before they had arrived of her intention. She raised on her toes, kissing him on the cheek and heading to the area where the married ladies congregated, freeing the men to smoke and talk over whiskey and away from more genteel ears.

Natsuko cast a quick glance at the ballroom, searching for the familiar face of Victoire Malfoy among the crowd. Spotting the now redhead Suki crossed and greeted her with a curtsey and then an arching of her neck. 'Miss Malfoy' she remarked, 'What a beautiful evening, please pass on my compliments to your mother'

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[Image: 1h84GbB.jpg]
Gin made something stunning

Messages In This Thread
It's such a fine and natural sight - by Natsuko Foxwood - July 2, 2023 – 9:26 PM
RE: It's such a fine and natural sight - by Victoire Malfoy - July 4, 2023 – 1:15 AM
RE: It's such a fine and natural sight - by Natsuko Foxwood - July 7, 2023 – 7:47 AM
RE: It's such a fine and natural sight - by Victoire Malfoy - July 7, 2023 – 3:02 PM
RE: It's such a fine and natural sight - by Natsuko Foxwood - July 7, 2023 – 8:20 PM
RE: It's such a fine and natural sight - by Victoire Malfoy - July 9, 2023 – 7:38 PM
RE: It's such a fine and natural sight - by Natsuko Foxwood - July 25, 2023 – 1:30 PM
RE: It's such a fine and natural sight - by Victoire Malfoy - July 26, 2023 – 1:46 AM
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