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Welcome to Charming, the year is now 1894. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.

Where will you fall?

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Did You Know?
It’s quite unusual for a caster's patronus to be their favourite animal, but very possible that it will take the shape of a creature they’ve never before seen or heard of. — Amy
As he fell, Ford recalled the trials of Gulliver during his interactions with the Lilliputians.
Potato Wars

Potato Wars - Level 2
Tabitha was far too concerned with the gnome in her skirts to worry about whatever it was that anybody around her was doing. She could feel it rummaging around in the layers of her petticoats, no doubt getting stuck and everything all dirty, but she couldn't tell exactly where it was exactly, only that she could feel it brush against her legs as it thrashed about.

Surely her aunt would help! Tabs looked around frantically, heard the spell cast by an unfamiliar voice, but it was all drowned out by the sound of tearing fabric. As the gnome was so entangled in her petticoats, as the summoning charm worked on the potato of a creature, it dug its claws in, scrambling and making holes and as it was ripped away from the predicament, it took with it any shred of dignity Tabitha would have for a long time.

It went flying, a piece of fabric gripped tight in its meaty little fists as Tabitha realized there was now a giant hole in her skirts, fabric scattered on the ground in shreds and a long portion of her leg exposed. She shrieked again, this time in mortification, trying to pull what was left of her skirt together to cover up.

Fortitude Greengrass

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   Fortitude Greengrass

[Image: Tabi-MJSig.png]
absolute beauty by MJ

Messages In This Thread
Potato Wars - Level 2 - by The Suggestionizer - April 30, 2023 – 7:50 PM
RE: Potato Wars - Level 2 - by Fortitude Greengrass - May 1, 2023 – 3:51 AM
RE: Potato Wars - Level 2 - by Tabitha Chevalier - May 2, 2023 – 10:01 PM
RE: Potato Wars - Level 2 - by Fortitude Greengrass - May 3, 2023 – 4:36 PM
RE: Potato Wars - Level 2 - by Tabitha Chevalier - May 4, 2023 – 1:26 AM
RE: Potato Wars - Level 2 - by Fortitude Greengrass - May 4, 2023 – 4:57 AM
RE: Potato Wars - Level 2 - by Barnaby Wye - May 4, 2023 – 8:15 AM
RE: Potato Wars - Level 2 - by Tabitha Chevalier - May 4, 2023 – 3:54 PM
RE: Potato Wars - Level 2 - by Fortitude Greengrass - May 4, 2023 – 9:55 PM
RE: Potato Wars - Level 2 - by Tabitha Chevalier - May 6, 2023 – 12:33 AM
RE: Potato Wars - Level 2 - by Barnaby Wye - May 6, 2023 – 3:16 PM
RE: Potato Wars - Level 2 - by Fortitude Greengrass - May 6, 2023 – 7:25 PM
RE: Potato Wars - Level 2 - by Tabitha Chevalier - May 6, 2023 – 10:05 PM
RE: Potato Wars - Level 2 - by Barnaby Wye - May 6, 2023 – 11:06 PM
RE: Potato Wars - Level 2 - by Fortitude Greengrass - May 7, 2023 – 4:46 AM
RE: Potato Wars - Level 2 - by Tabitha Chevalier - May 8, 2023 – 12:46 AM
RE: Potato Wars - Level 2 - by Barnaby Wye - May 8, 2023 – 7:03 PM
RE: Potato Wars - Level 2 - by Fortitude Greengrass - May 23, 2023 – 6:56 PM
RE: Potato Wars - Level 2 - by Tabitha Chevalier - May 27, 2023 – 8:29 PM
RE: Potato Wars - Level 2 - by Fortitude Greengrass - May 30, 2023 – 3:47 AM
RE: Potato Wars - Level 2 - by Tabitha Chevalier - June 3, 2023 – 11:32 PM
RE: Potato Wars - Level 2 - by Fortitude Greengrass - June 5, 2023 – 4:18 AM
RE: Potato Wars - Level 2 - by Tabitha Chevalier - June 10, 2023 – 5:55 PM
RE: Potato Wars - Level 2 - by Barnaby Wye - June 10, 2023 – 7:35 PM
RE: Potato Wars - Level 2 - by Fortitude Greengrass - June 11, 2023 – 12:49 AM
RE: Potato Wars - Level 2 - by Tabitha Chevalier - June 11, 2023 – 1:11 AM
RE: Potato Wars - Level 2 - by Barnaby Wye - July 20, 2023 – 9:48 PM
RE: Potato Wars - Level 2 - by Fortitude Greengrass - July 29, 2023 – 4:03 AM
RE: Potato Wars - Level 2 - by Tabitha Chevalier - July 30, 2023 – 8:10 PM
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