Oh great, what a steaming pile of merda this escape was turning out to be! First the Professor, who he actually sort of liked, bearing down on him with a look of grave concern. Then he heard Miss Perfect’s squeaky little shoes as she scampered around the corner to find them, and then he knew he’d really be in trouble! Ugh! So close to freedom– he wasn’t about to let it go now!
Candy wrappers conspicuously crinkling in his pockets, the boy took Professor’s hand for help up. Then Miss Perfect started in on him, and the boy went red in the face as soon as she began. This is bad, bad bad bad-- so Max did the only thing he could do to correct the situation. As soon as she spit out that he was stealing from Professor’s desk Max cut in, attempting to talk faster and louder.
“Nuh-uh! That’s not what happened!” he stomped for emphasis, looking wildly between the two of them. “I’m not alright at all Professor! This girl was chasing me, she’s not even a prefect, then she started laughing like a maniac,” Which she admitted, what with having a laugh, nevermind that he caused it– “Then! Then! She threatened me! With a full body bomb! Body bum! Body– brine-blind-bind,” His accented voice stumbled incoherently over every English variation he could stutter before he landed on the one that sounded right.
Candy wrappers conspicuously crinkling in his pockets, the boy took Professor’s hand for help up. Then Miss Perfect started in on him, and the boy went red in the face as soon as she began. This is bad, bad bad bad-- so Max did the only thing he could do to correct the situation. As soon as she spit out that he was stealing from Professor’s desk Max cut in, attempting to talk faster and louder.
“Nuh-uh! That’s not what happened!” he stomped for emphasis, looking wildly between the two of them. “I’m not alright at all Professor! This girl was chasing me, she’s not even a prefect, then she started laughing like a maniac,” Which she admitted, what with having a laugh, nevermind that he caused it– “Then! Then! She threatened me! With a full body bomb! Body bum! Body– brine-blind-bind,” His accented voice stumbled incoherently over every English variation he could stutter before he landed on the one that sounded right.
![[Image: Kc9h1cI.png]](https://i.imgur.com/Kc9h1cI.png)
magical set by mj <3
~ Max was raised in Italy and talks with a bit of an Italian accent / misses some English vocab/slang.