Hurried footsteps tramped through the frosted undergrowth of the grounds. The grass refused to die even this late in the season, and it made her wince to hear some of the louder crunches from under her boots. It couldn't be helped, and she clung tighter to the books in her arms to pick up the pace. It wasn't her free hour and she had to hurry, the third year had only convinced her Charms professor to let her go early once she had demonstrated the day's assignment to satisfaction.
Millie needed all the time she could get to make up her Herbology assignment.
"BeggingyourpardonProfessor,thiswastheonlytimeIcouldgetaway." The explanation came out hurried from breathless lungs, her mouth dry from the exertion and the chill in the November air. Millie pressed the books against her stomach, quelling the growing urge to hiccup, taking long, quiet breaths to leave room for the professor's explanation. He didn't look put off at all by her rapid appearance, getting quickly to the task at hand. A diligent nod came from her chin as she grasped his meaning, and her eyes found the waiting materials before glancing back to Professor Skeeter.
Herbology was not always her best class, despite her family's reputation otherwise. Millie willed herself to stand straight, rather than shrinking down as she had in the past years, withering easily under the professor's towering height or expectant gaze. The young lady knew by now that she wasn't the best Potts girl to have sat in his classroom, she had tried to come at a time when her cousin wouldn't be there for comparison. On her own, with enough time to spend on the assignment, maybe Millie could live up to her family's famous green thumb at last.
"Thank you, Professor, I—" She looked at the plant again, it was in far better shape than she had kept hers this term. Her eyes sank to the floor, betrayed by the reminder of her last attempt at the assignment. It was all she could do not to live in the memory of a moment at home, when Millie had been younger and more fascinated by the Herbologist work her father did. When he came back after setting her to cut the blooms from a cutting of Moly flowers, he had just laughed and scooped up the ill-prepared pile of petals separated from their stems and pistil both.
At the time, Millie thought her father had enjoyed her clever approach to the task. When he never asked her to help with it again, she took a different view of the experience. Now, faced with Professor Skeeter's offer, Millie held a chance to truly redeem herself. The new plant was a fresh start, and one she was going to do her best at harvesting and peeling the fruits this time.
No, not her best.
She brought her gaze up to the table again, taking full view of the scope of her promise. "I'll do better this time."
Millie needed all the time she could get to make up her Herbology assignment.
"BeggingyourpardonProfessor,thiswastheonlytimeIcouldgetaway." The explanation came out hurried from breathless lungs, her mouth dry from the exertion and the chill in the November air. Millie pressed the books against her stomach, quelling the growing urge to hiccup, taking long, quiet breaths to leave room for the professor's explanation. He didn't look put off at all by her rapid appearance, getting quickly to the task at hand. A diligent nod came from her chin as she grasped his meaning, and her eyes found the waiting materials before glancing back to Professor Skeeter.
Herbology was not always her best class, despite her family's reputation otherwise. Millie willed herself to stand straight, rather than shrinking down as she had in the past years, withering easily under the professor's towering height or expectant gaze. The young lady knew by now that she wasn't the best Potts girl to have sat in his classroom, she had tried to come at a time when her cousin wouldn't be there for comparison. On her own, with enough time to spend on the assignment, maybe Millie could live up to her family's famous green thumb at last.
"Thank you, Professor, I—" She looked at the plant again, it was in far better shape than she had kept hers this term. Her eyes sank to the floor, betrayed by the reminder of her last attempt at the assignment. It was all she could do not to live in the memory of a moment at home, when Millie had been younger and more fascinated by the Herbologist work her father did. When he came back after setting her to cut the blooms from a cutting of Moly flowers, he had just laughed and scooped up the ill-prepared pile of petals separated from their stems and pistil both.
At the time, Millie thought her father had enjoyed her clever approach to the task. When he never asked her to help with it again, she took a different view of the experience. Now, faced with Professor Skeeter's offer, Millie held a chance to truly redeem herself. The new plant was a fresh start, and one she was going to do her best at harvesting and peeling the fruits this time.
No, not her best.
She brought her gaze up to the table again, taking full view of the scope of her promise. "I'll do better this time."
![[Image: uHwnE8q.png]](