Anthony was pleased by Ms. Torie’s response to him, so much so that he nearly forgot to be weary of their interaction altogether. He grinned at her commentary and shook his head a little dismissively. “There’s no need to recount anything,” he replied, preening a little anyhow. “I’m just glad to find you’ve made it through the whole ordeal safely enough to join us this weekend.”
Basil’s meaningful little look caught Anthony’s attention then as his cousin began to speak and he wondered if that meant he should make himself scarce. Perhaps there was more to this interaction that met the eye after all? Though why he’d suggest ‘we’ should show Ms. Torie anything wasn’t exactly clear. Anthony hated these types of awkward interactions. More often than not he ended up sticking his foot in his mouth or treading on someone’s toes inadvertently. He was better relied upon with all the information than in darkness.
“Yes,” the curly-haired one nodded his agreement. “There are quite lovely trails in this part of Surrey. Perhaps if you are feeling up to it tomorrow Basil or I could show you some of them. With your chaperone of course,” he added hastily. No need to repeat the slightly skeptical moments from October over again. It was at that moment that Anthony spotted Lucy emerging from the stairwell. He caught her eye and gave an easy smile. “Ah, it seems my sister has just come down to join us for breakfast,” he announced to the others. “I had something I needed to ask her before we depart. If you’ll please excuse me.”
With a small bow in Ms. Torie’s direction, Anthony made to excuse himself. He would ask Lucy first; perhaps she had more insight into this whole debacle than he. He gave Basil a small wink on his way past, making an effort to ruffle his cousin’s hair in the process affectionately.
Basil’s meaningful little look caught Anthony’s attention then as his cousin began to speak and he wondered if that meant he should make himself scarce. Perhaps there was more to this interaction that met the eye after all? Though why he’d suggest ‘we’ should show Ms. Torie anything wasn’t exactly clear. Anthony hated these types of awkward interactions. More often than not he ended up sticking his foot in his mouth or treading on someone’s toes inadvertently. He was better relied upon with all the information than in darkness.
“Yes,” the curly-haired one nodded his agreement. “There are quite lovely trails in this part of Surrey. Perhaps if you are feeling up to it tomorrow Basil or I could show you some of them. With your chaperone of course,” he added hastily. No need to repeat the slightly skeptical moments from October over again. It was at that moment that Anthony spotted Lucy emerging from the stairwell. He caught her eye and gave an easy smile. “Ah, it seems my sister has just come down to join us for breakfast,” he announced to the others. “I had something I needed to ask her before we depart. If you’ll please excuse me.”
With a small bow in Ms. Torie’s direction, Anthony made to excuse himself. He would ask Lucy first; perhaps she had more insight into this whole debacle than he. He gave Basil a small wink on his way past, making an effort to ruffle his cousin’s hair in the process affectionately.