His mouth opened in a silent sputter at her casual mention of their agreement. He was clearly still processing the idea and she was clearly completely fine with it. "You like playing that card a little too much." he finally said, collecting himself enough to return her tease.
"Is that why you're doing it? Because you're not married yet?" He couldn't help but hedge another serious question, his eyes on their task rather than looking at her. He didn't understand this move any more than he understood all her fuss about getting married. "It'll be great - the shop - but living here?" he shook his head. He didn't like it.
"There's places in pennyworth - right up the road from me." He offered hopefully.
"Is that why you're doing it? Because you're not married yet?" He couldn't help but hedge another serious question, his eyes on their task rather than looking at her. He didn't understand this move any more than he understood all her fuss about getting married. "It'll be great - the shop - but living here?" he shook his head. He didn't like it.
"There's places in pennyworth - right up the road from me." He offered hopefully.
![[Image: Vy6in0.png]](https://b.l3n.co/i/Vy6in0.png)