This is true and I am very excited to see everyone again. And yes? No? I'm not sure. We've talked about it and I apologized for putting him that position to begin with, and I think he forgave me. It's a very delicate situation and I really, really appreciate you giving him another chance. I wish I could say more on that but I'm not actually sure where we stand. I suppose time will tell.
Yes, yes. I will ask him, if I get the chance to see him.[s] I promise[/i] I will never complain about watching anyone on stage perform, especially in some of the costumes that are chosen. The human body is definitely appreciated by the audience, I can assure you that. I remember when I wore a tutu once and it was so uncomfortable, I'm not sure how you can do it for that long, but alas, that's why you're the performer and I just go to watch you. When Damien throws you I will count the seconds until you land and see if he can break the record. It's been so long, I bet you two are even better at this now.
And no poetry. You should know how it is when you love someone.
I hope you cleared everything between the two of you, or he never bothers you again, whichever you prefer. We can go charm his house into looking odd if you'd like, just so he'll leave you alone. I'm also sure I have some jawbinding candy stashed away somewhere... As long as you're happy, I'm happy. And no, he's not, although the thought of you promising to be on your best behavior makes me worry.
@"Sophia Voss"